Sunday, June 23, 2013


Here's my first butterfly.It's made primarily using 1/4" mild steel rod. The body has some re-purposed 1/2" pipe and re-purposed re-bar. The wingspan is 30" Everything is freehand. The mounting point is at the CG so it can be rotated to different positions on the wall. franK

Saturday, June 22, 2013


This  Mask is inspired by the Yup-ik Native American Shaman Masks.
 The Eagle, made from steel is on the top with Trout fish made from copper are on each side of the Eagle. The hands for communicating with the Grandfathers are fashioned from steel. At the bottom are pieces of native UP Michigan copper and Native UP Michigan iron. The Face is made using Native UP Michigan White Pine with the eyes , nose and mouth made using native UP Michigan Maple knots. The ring surrounding the mask, and brackets holding the symbols  are made from mild steel.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Dragons With Personality

With this series of dragons, I tried to impart an individual personality with each one. Body language and  hand gestures were used to achieve the caricaturization of these beasts, while still maintaining a graceful dragon flow. I keep them together and hope they can stay that way no matter who their caretaker is.